Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Meet Our Superhero Emma

What is Emma's favorite icecream? 

"Chocolate icecream"

What makes Emma smile/happy? 
"Whenever she hears Justin Bieber, she smiles" 

Who is Emma's favorite superhero? "Catwoman"

If Emma could have any superhero power...what would it be? 
"The power to make sick kids better because she does not want them to go through what she did."

A message from our superhero: 
"Thank you for the love and prayers.  I love you more than you love me."

About Emma Routh:
Emma Routh is spunky, fun loving 7-year-old girl that like so many other girls her age - have an affinity for Hello Kitty and Justin Bieber. However, unlike her peers Emma is battling fanconi anemia – a rare blood disorder that leads to bone marrow failure. While accompanying her family to her baby brother’s doctor visit several years ago, the pediatrician noticed that Emma was not growing and ordered a chromosomal breakage test that led to the diagnosis. Emma has bravely undergone chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant and continues to surpass milestones that defy her physician’s original prognosis. 
Emma has a deep rooted love for life and continues to find the good in every situation becoming a role model for so many of her family members much older than herself.  Her infectious spirit has given her family the strength to continue their journey and provide them with hope not only for Emma, but for all of the children like her. They feel confident that Emma will grow up to be an unbelievable woman, achieving all of her dreams and making a difference in the world.

Fanconi anemia is a rare genetic disorder leading to bone marrow failure. The rest of a FA paitent developing AML (leukemia) compared to the rest of the general population is 800-fold. FA effects all systems of the body and paitents are extremely likely to develop a variety of other cancers. FA is found in 1 per 131000 births. in the US around 31 babies are born with it a year. sixty percent of people with FA have at least one physical abnormality. The median age of survival is 24. 

Follow our Superhero Friend Emma on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/prayersforemma 

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